Lucasian Professorship of Mathematics
The Lucasian Professorship of mathematick [Mathematics] was established by The Reverend Henry Lucas (1610 – 1663) in 1663. Henry was Cambridge University's Member of Parliament from 1639–1640. The post was officially established by Charles II on 18th January 1664.
In 2012 the Daily Telegraph described by it as one of the most prestigious academic posts in the world.
Holders of the post:
1663 Isaac Barrow (1630 – 1677) Classics and mathematics
1669 IsaacNewton (1642 – 1726) Mathematics and physics
1702 WilliamWhiston (1667 – 1752) Mathematics
1711 Nicolas Saunderson (1682 – 1739) Mathematics
1739 John Colson (1680 – 1760) Mathematics
1760 Edward Waring (1736 – 1798) Mathematics
1798 Isaac Milner (1750 – 1820) Mathematics and chemistry
1820 Robert Woodhouse (1773 – 1827) Mathematics
1822 Thomas Turton (1780 – 1864) Mathematics
1826 George Biddell Airy (1801 – 1892) Astronomy
1828 Charles Babbage (1791 – 1871) Mathematics and computing
1839 Joshua King (1798 – 1857) Mathematics
1849 George Gabriel Stokes (1819 – 1903) Physics and fluid mechanics
1903 Joseph Larmor (1857 – 1942) Physics
1932 Paul Dirac (1902 – 1984) Physics
1969 James Lighthill (1924 – 1998) Fluid mechanics
1979 Stephen Hawking (1942 – 2018) Theoretical physics and cosmology
2009 Michael Green (born 1946) String theory
2015 Michael Cates (born 1961) Statistical mechanics of soft condensed matter
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