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To protect privacy and to help combat online fraud and scams, pages containing details of living family members (and sometimes their parents) will not be made freely available on this site.  


All data pages should have an identification number at the very bottom left hand side. If you suspect an error on a particular page please quote this on your report/query.

Due to the amount of data this site is made up of several separate files. I have tried to lace them together, but forgive me if the joins show!

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Throughout this site first names use capitalized lower case text i.e. John

In the case of family members, that is those using ‘Lucas’ as the family  (surname) to save space and repartition only the first names are used.

Individuals  (usually spouses or Children of female members) having alternative surnames are  recorder with full Upper case text i.e. SMITH. This saves confusion where the spouse’s family name is given say as a first or middle name.

The colours used for individual boxes is self evident. Married couples being linked by  = symbol.

Birth is abbreviated to B.   Marriage is indicated by M.  Death by  D.

Dotted lines are used where there is not clear evidence of the association, or in the case of illegitimate off-spring.  

Twins maybe grouped on the same descendant line mainly to save space

Arrows provide links either Up            (earlier page) that the individual is also listed on, or down            where they and their descendants are listed

Born dates (B.) Given may be the actual date of birth or date of baptism. On the census returns ages are listed, so Date of Birth is subject to a calculation, as can grave inscriptions. Equally the date of death may vary slightly and can be the date of interment instead.  Older records can give dates as ‘ in the X year of the reign of the monarch which can be up to interpretation.

Where I have collected addition information a button                            or                      will link to a new page.   

I started researching the family many years ago, I kind of got carried away as I guess most do.

Some family members are enthusiastic, some not so. Maybe that’s because you never know where your investigations will lead, and obviously they do lead to some very strange people and places.

I have always been interested in history, the family research actually focused my interests into specific areas.

The earliest recording made me wonder what life was really like around Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk at that time. Fortunately there are some really good books about the early history of the town, one in particular Joselyns chronicles is a first hand account of the Abbey at this time.

We then have the association with Henry VII, another path to follow. We then have Sir Charles Lucas and the English Civil Wars. Here I was lucky to come across David Appleby lecturer on early modern History at Nottingham university , being a local lad he has written a very good biography of Sir Charles. An acknowledgement of David’s contribution would not go amiss.

Next my interest spread to Sir Charles siblings. A favourite must be ‘Mad Madge’; the court of the exiled King Charles II, not to forget her writings - Blazing World, is incredible considering it was written  over 350 years ago. Many claim  that this was the first ever ‘Science Friction’ story, who am I to disagree.

Elizabeth Pinckney widened my interest in the New World, as did William who disappeared with the rest of ‘The Lost Colony’ on Roanoke Island.

Other notable names must include EV Lucas and his many stories, Joseph Lucas famous for Automobile Electrical equipment.

George Lucas of Star Wars fame related?  I have recently included links to the Cornish Branch

I put this site together for anyone who shares my passion for discovering who we are.

I am grateful for all contributions , too many to mention .   

John Lucas

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